Dear Sir,


It gives me pleasure to announce the release of our new publication “Funding your Science Idea” – Edition 2.


“Funding your Science Idea” is your comprehensive guide to all the funding opportunities available for the Indian science industry. For the FIRST time ALL the opportunities offered by the government, the private equity groups and bodies are included for an easy reference.


Other salient features include the flowchart description of funding process for many organizations. Finally, it is easy to understand the process of the funding. Also included are the “time” that organizations would take to fund, as well as reviews by already funded organizations about their experience.


I am sure this would be of immense use to you and your organization. I attach a sample copy for your kind perusal. Please let me know your interest in purchasing the publication, and I will send you the pricing information.


Kind Regards,


Radha Krishnan




Atharva Lifesciences Consulting Pvt. Ltd.


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