I've also been ideating around and planning a conference at the intersection of culture, technology and activism, but I'm not really a fan of the language of 'riot' and 'rupture'. Can you explain the premise a bit more?
I'd be interested in collaborating with others to put on a conference that's hands-on, unconference-style, and innovatively done as DIY and free as possible. Donation-based conference in which any profit made goes to the Omni in pursuit of buying the building, in which we crowdfund to pay for flights for some rad speakers/workshop facilitators, and create a system for coordinating couchsurfs, rideshares, bikeshares, etc... in which we collaborate with Food Not Bombs to feed ourselves over the course of the event...
In particular - and I am a big fan of HOPE - I'd like to encourage an inclusive model of 'technology' and 'hacking', wherein social and political problems are addressed through the sociocultural application of technology (which always shapes and is shaped by, y'know...)