On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 9:12 AM, <hol@gaskill.com> wrote:
this is automatic but not binding on us, ie we adopt by default but can review and unban by consensus at sudo if we receive information that indicated it was not handled fairly.  there is one case recently where someone was banned at nb (not for safe space) and we decided to give it a shot but the same patterns were repeated.  i don't recall ever taking this matter up for anyone who was banned elsewhere for safe space violation.

To expand a bit: We decided to make it automatic (but only for safe space bans) for four reasons (that I can remember):

1. When it comes to safe space violations it is better that we sometimes auto-ban someone who shouldn't have been banned and fix it later, than that we have a period where someone who should have been banned is allowed access until we can meet and agree to ban.
2. We only have mutual ban policies with hackerspaces that we trust to ban people sudo room would also have banned
3. We don't want to spend most of our meetings discussing problem individuals (which is already a danger)
4. It would require getting someone from the other hackerspace to come to our meeting to discuss the ban
