I don't know for sure but... I imagine that "cyber crime" probably has it's own department at investigative firms since it requires a separate and sometimes rather extensive skill set.

Those are the definitions I have learned in my exploration into this community, we totally need to take back "hack"



On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 4:52 PM, GtwoG PublicOhOne <g2g-public01@att.net> wrote:

Andrew & YOs-

Works for me.  Though, there's a gray zone in the middle, having to do with repurposing things to perform new functions, for example turning game consoles into inexpensive Linux PCs, and very often the same people are involved in both types of activity. 

It's good to reclaim "hacker" from its pejorative use as "computer criminal," and it would also be good if the culture at-large got over the obsession with carving out a special category for crimes committed with computers.  We don't refer to kidnappers and bank robbers as "automobile criminals" because they use automobiles, though we do use the term "get-away car" to refer to the cars used in such crimes.  Bank robbery is bank robbery, whether committed with a pistol and a car, or a computer and forged ATM cards, or a bank CEO's office and a pile of fraudulent mortgage documents.



On 13-05-12-Sun 3:47 PM, Andrew wrote:
Hi All,

I recently came across a definition of Hackers and Makers and wanted to share the concept with the Sudo Community.

Hacking can be defined as: Finding ways be make something perform a function it was not indented to.

While Making can be defined as: Building new things.

The basic idea being that Hackers take existing things and get them to do the unexpected, while Makers build new things. Makers can hack and Hackers can make.

I like these definitions. Thoughts?

Andrew Lowe

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