---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sebastian Benthall <sbenthall@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 11:37 AM
Subject: Course for the Fall: i290M- Open Collaboration and Peer Production
To: oa-team@lists.berkeley.edu, open-it@lists.berkeley.edu
Cc: D-Lab Team <dlab-team@lists.berkeley.edu>, Aaron Culich <aculich@eecs.berkeley.edu>

Hi all,

Just wanted to circulate this course announcement for what we'll be teaching this Fall.

Note the section at the end where we are encouraging people working on open projects to contact us so we can direct students towards them.

Please forward widely.  Thanks -- Seb

i290M Fall 2013 : Open Collaboration and Peer Production
Instructors : Sebastian Benthall, Thomas Maillart and John Chuang

Class : F 11am-1pm in South Hall 210
Lab : T 1-2pm in South Hall 202 and on Internet Relay Chat (IRC)


Course Description :
This course is a hands-on exploration of the theory and practice of open online collaboration. Students will engage multi-disciplinary literature about collaboration while contributing to an existing open project (such as open source software, Wikipedia, or OpenStreetMap). Readings will explore business models for open source software organizations, incentives of cooperation and organization design for open source projects. Practical work will be organized around themes of project management infrastructure, community self-governance, and engineering education through open source participation. The goal of the class is to engage students in an existing open source community while developing functionality and expertise that can be part of iSchool Masters projects, faculty-directed research, and beyond.

Prerequisites :
Programming skills are not a prerequisite, but programmers are more than welcome to join. Students will come to the first lecture with an idea of the open project they want to contribute to, and which problem they want to address. If possible, a first contact with the community active in the project should already be established.

UC Berkeley Open Source Projects Promotion
This class promotes contributions by students to UC Berkeley Open Source Projects. Feel free to contact us at sb@ischool.berkeley.edu to explain your progress so we can match students with it.