It was also based on your emphatic veto on any mitigating solution that involved any contact with our landlord in the last several meetings. As well as the decision, trailing back to three consecutive meetings, where it was decided to remove individual names for the lease.

My apologies if I misunderstood you, Marc. I assumed you were being sincere.

sent from

On Oct 1, 2013, at 7:07 AM, Eddan Katz <> wrote:

This was based on the decision made at the meeting you held, Marc, and based on the message you sent to the list about what was decided at that meeting.

sent from

On Oct 1, 2013, at 4:29 AM, Marc Juul <> wrote:

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Eddan Katz <> wrote:
I've given notice to George & Laurie that we are terminating the current lease at the end of December. George said he was interested in putting up the Sudo Room section of the building for co-op sale.

Did sudo room agree to do this or did you just decide to go out and do this on your own?
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