Up for consenso at next week's sudo meeting! Please share feedback, suggestions, concerns et al - keep in mind that events sponsored by any member-group in the Omni receive priority and that the fees are for for unsponsored events. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Danny Spitzberg <stationaery@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 10:31 PM
Subject: [omni-consensus] proposal for an Omni Rental Policy and Fee Structure
To: "consensus@lists.omnicommons.org" <consensus@lists.omnicommons.org>

Hey all,

over the past week I drafted a rental policy and fee structure for Omni. It puts our political vision and values up front. 

You can see the 1-page doc here and below. 

This is a two-part proposal because it introduces a loose rental fee structure as well as a statement about how we prioritize events aligned with our vision and values.

For context, this doc builds on shared experiences in booking events (with Scott, on specific discussions about what Omni is all about prompted by an event request addressed to Sudo Room from a venture capital firm, and after researching rates and policies among a half-dozen local venues.

humbly submitted,


Omni Rental Policy and Fee Structure

The Omni Oakland Commons (“the Omni”) is a collective space to share and create.

Omni rents our ballroom, basement, and other common area for performances, celebrations, and other events. Rental revenue funds go towards structural and logistical improvements of the Omni Commons.

Our rental process and fee structure are intended to make our space available and accessible to all of Oakland.

Rental Policy

Omni is a political project with clear vision and values. Our vision is an equitable commoning of resources and meeting of human needs over private interests or corporate profit. Our values include radical commoning of space and resources, liberation of knowledge, and transformative justice. We stand in solidarity with struggles against capitalism, racism, transmisogyny, and other forms of violence.

As Omni is a commons, we dedicate the majority of the monthly calendar to events that build our communities. For event rentals, we prioritize requests from individuals/groups aligned with our vision and values, and we reserve the right to decline requests from groups that oppose our vision and values.

Omni considers all event inquiries and booking requests submitted. In situations where a member group in Omni voices a concern about an event, we work in good faith with individuals/groups making the booking request to address any concerns in a mutually-satisfactory way before confirming events.

Fee Structure

We offer competitive rates for various groups. The fee structure below is provided as a summary. We evaluate the final fee for each event on a case-by-case basis, depending on impact on the space.

$300–1,000 per 4 hour rental, Monday through Thursday

$400–1,200 per 4 hour rental, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Rental time includes setup and cleanup. Additional time adds a fee of $75–200 per hour.

We are open to exploring custom arrangements for complex events.

Generally, Omni determines rental fees based on the principle “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.” Specific factors we consider for each event fee include:

- attendance

- public benefit

- ability to pay and charitable/nonprofit status

- needs for setup, cleanup, and other assistance

- needs for audio/visual equipment, chairs, tables, etc.

- relationship with Omni and/or member groups

We require a 50% deposit three weeks prior to any event. Refund and other terms are outlined in a separate facility use agreement document.

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