I'll be landing in SF the morning of the 18th. I just realized
that it will be my birthday! wow! I've never been in the American
continent, so that would be a nice present!
I helped funding a hackvillage in Catalunya 4 years ago (Ca la Fou),
and been a squatter in England.
As I said before, this will be my first time in America, in the
States and California!! It sounds amazing. I never really wanted
to go to that country, but that area has a different aura. Many
generations of activist, hacklabs (I know you call them hackspaces
in there), coops, universities, technology...
I don't know how long I'll be around there, but the main purpose
is to go farming, if you know what I mean ;P Maybe you have some
contacts also.
So, will you be able to host me some days?