On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Marc Juul wrote:
On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 1:44 AM, Jake <jake@spaz.org> wrote:
we got the plasma cutter working! But the air compressor is still
messed up. We took it apart three times trying to fix the check
valve, but it simply didn't work.
I love plasma cutters but how are we going to safely use one indoors? I'm not sure anyone wants to breathe clouds of metal oxides:
this is a very valid concern, but my plan is to setup, in the words of that blog post, "a powerful fume extractor" connected to the shiny 8" duct that runs to the vent in the ceiling.
Last night someone was using the laser cutter with that duct and the performance was insufficient. I intend to reconfigure the exhaust duct in a couple of ways:
1. I will move the wood plate at the top of the duct so that it mates correctly with the round vent hole in the roof window
2. I will setup an electric exhaust blower on the roof so that air gets sucked out through the hose.
these changes will improve performance both when the duct is used with the laser cutter, and when it's moved over to the plasma cutter for use when we're cutting metal.
any help is appreciated!
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