ABDC and Kazoo Studios endorse this. 

+ + + + + + + + + + 
Kazoo Studios East
(415) 295-2966

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 3:06 PM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas@gmail.com> wrote:
The Village has been informed that their first site is slated for seismic retrofit of the overpass their camp is under, requiring the area to be cleared by November. They are demanding the city find 4 new parcels for Villages. They're having a press conference on Friday and requesting endorsements from organizations - please check with your collectives and reply to this thread if you choose to support. Will discuss at Delegates Meeting tmrw.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "anita de asis" <maowunyo@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 8, 2018 23:54
Subject: urgent call to action from The Village!!!! please share with your networks!
To: "anita de asis" <maowunyo@gmail.com>

greeting friends, family, allies, and supporters.

as you may know, The Village in Oakland was granted the land at e 12th and 23rd ave on oct 5, 2017 to manage an autonomous, community led program of temporary emergency housing and services for the duration of the shelter crisis declaration - which  we estimate will be at least 6 years if not more. 

but in usual undermining form, the city is now forcing us to move off the land by this november 2018 because cal trans and dept of transportation will be demolishing the overpass that spans across the western side of the parcel. according to the dept of transporation, this plan has been on the books for the past 10 years

due to their total incompetence, we are negotiating for four new parcels of land with the CIty Administration. And we will continue to build homes and fill this current parcel up because  1. people needs homes and 2. all our homes are designed to be forklifted. so once the city offers us new parcels of lands that we can keep for the span of the shelter crisis declaration, we will forklift them to those lands

also -  two of our village leaders and residents were arrested for assault and battery two weeks ago when they were defending themselves and the encampment from a known predator. please read the attached statement from the village and our legal team lead by attorney Walter Riley. 

we are asking that those of you with an organization, faith based institution or coalition etc please sign on to this statement as endorsers. please contact me to let me know if your group will endorse us. 

also, we be having a press conference and rally on the day the trial starts Friday, March 16th 8:00 am in front of wiley manuel courthouse on washington and 7th

its unbelieveable how much ill will, obstruction and attempted destruction the city administration engages in to keep us from simply helping our most vulnerable neighbors. 

lets get homes for all, 
- needa

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