I developed a Linux based OS for the Allwinner A20 and Raspberry PI that has a Mac-like user interface and 3D POV gaming engine. The project also includes many open source Quake and Halflife game modifications, as well as a collection of other open source games. The purpose of this Kickstarter project is to raise funds to manufacture an A20-based board that has the same form factor and IO connections as the Raspberry PI Model B+, and will fit into a Model B+ case.
I am also launching a separate Kickstarter campaign with the same OS distro on a 16GB SD card for the Raspberry PI. It includes some unique software that I have developed for the RPi.
I would certainly appreciate any feedback you may have on this project. The marketing people working with me on this are from the entertainment industry and have some interesting connections. We don't have many backers as yet because we are doing a soft-launch and will ramp up marketing and promotion shortly.