I guess one of us could take a picture of her next time we see her.

johanna faust <female.faust@gmail.com> wrote:
"How would one recognize Ariel in case she shows up again but isn't
obviously or immediately causing problems?"

i echo this

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Anthony Di Franco <di.franco@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks to all who have helped with this despite the risks and difficulties.

How would one recognize Ariel in case she shows up again but isn't obviously
or immediately causing problems? I haven't met her but would like to be

Also, I remember, but only vaguely, from a previous conversation about this
that Ariel's sister offered to help us and gave her contact information. Can
whoever spoke to Ariel's sister help in incorporating this into the plan as

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Yardena Cohen <yardenack@gmail.com> wrote:

This is formal notice that Ariel has not respected our conflict
resolution process and is not welcome at the space. If seen, she
should be asked to leave. This temporary ban will be in place until
next week's meeting (Wed Sep 11 7pm), during which time any Sudoer has
a chance to object. If nobody objects, the ban is permanent.

For background, she's been witnessed:
* assaulting a sudoer, scratching his face
* stealing money from donation jars, twice
* kicking in a car window on the street

In addition to other generally antagonistic, disrespectful and
threatening behavior. She's been asked and/or forced to leave on about
four separate occasions by four separate groups of people. The
landlord is also aware of her and prepared to back you up in removing

As usual, calling the police should be a very last resort.

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