i believe matt made the point whenever we've made amendments to banning, to refer to banning as 'denial of access' to sudo room assets in our articles, ie physical space, mailing lists, etc.  with a few notable exceptions, people have usually voluntarily refrained from posting to the list after it's clear they're not welcome.  i'm not weighing in on whether or not longshanks is welcome since I've never seen him there but that's my recollection - 'ban' includes use of all sudo room assets.

On 2015-01-28 02:08, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:

If we ban someone from physically visiting the space because their presence is bad for the community, I see no reason why we can't ban them from the mailing lists as well. Just saying...

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 12:20 AM, Candace Lazarou <candacelazarou@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, please stop

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Ryan <yandoryn@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm adding the drama tag to this thread for filters.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 6:41 PM, "Løng$hanks" <longshanks@spaz.org> wrote:
Jake, you are a prick.

On Mon, January 26, 2015 10:45 pm, Jake wrote:
> i'm really ashamed that this guy has a spaz.org email address.
> you can thank Stan for that.
> -jake
> On Mon, 26 Jan 2015, "Løng$hanks" wrote:
>> Damn, I always miss the good stuff.
>> Dear Noisebridge,
>> Recently I got a chance to check out your 86 page & I want to thank you for including me at
>> https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/86. I'm sorry I've been too busy since you banned me to
>> check it out til now. Life as a sexy homeless man is hard! If I can lodge one complaint,
>> it's
>> only that I'm so low on the list (the very last!) that I'm afraid some people won't read
>> down
>> that far. Any chance of bumping me up a bit? wink emoticon
>> If you have any questions about the elevator incident, my current mental health, the size &
>> quality of my recent bowel movements, etc, all of this information is available at
>> http://resistor.spaz.org. I also left print copies on the lit table in the Omni entryway
>> last
>> night!
>> +11+
>> Thanks so much for the pic I've been waiting for f***ing ever on that!
>> On Mon, January 26, 2015 5:25 pm, null null null wrote:
>>> Thanks everyone for your input. If anyone will be around the Omni tonight,
>>> I think it might be helpful to brainstorm strategies in person. Say 5:00 to
>>> 6:30? I'll rely anything that comes up back to the list.
>>> On Jan 24, 2015 1:51 AM, "Jake" <jake@spaz.org> wrote:
>>>> thanks Null (whoever that is) for bringing this up and suggesting good
>>>> pointers on how we should deal with such situations.
>>>> I agree with Patrik that it's important for someone to take a picture,
>>>> when someone makes enough of a problem that it takes multiple people to
>>>> deal with them, a photograph is essential for two reasons:
>>>> 1. it allows us to share with each other the knowledge about a problem
>>>> person in case they come back (expecting no one will remember them)
>>>> 2. it lets them know that we will not forget who they are, and that they
>>>> should forget about us and never come back.
>>>> I must stress that #2 is the most important aspect of this, because
>>>> ultimately our goal should be for problem people to go away and never come
>>>> back.  Ideally they will tell their friends "don't bother, those people are
>>>> not the victims we believed them to be" or a paraphrase of that.
>>>> in particular, read the story of "Thief" from the noisebridge 86 wiki:
>>>> https://noisebridge.net/wiki/86
>>>> "This guy went into the back classroom and took Rayc's wallet out of his
>>>>  backpack. Rayc saw him with the wallet in his hand and the guy tried to
>>>>  say it was his. He then started running towards the door and was tackled
>>>>  by Jake. We made him show us that nothing was in his pockets, and he kept
>>>>  avoiding the big pocket in the front of his jacket. This pocket turned
>>>>  out to have Sasha's smart phone. During the search his crack pipe fell
>>>>  onto the floor and broke into many pieces. We let him go and told him
>>>>  not to come back."
>>>> It took several people holding onto him to keep him from exiting down the
>>>> stairwell with people's property.  He really wanted to leave but he did not
>>>> hit or strike anyone at any time, which is why we let him go after
>>>> searching him and getting the stolen items back.
>>>> When there is no photograph, it's basically impossible to prevent a person
>>>> from coming back whenever they want unless there is a person there who will
>>>> recognize them.  We can't be playing cat and mouse with people who want to
>>>> take advantage of us.
>>>> -jake
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>> Not all who wander are lost.
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