MakerKids seems cool. I like their titles ("Chief Instigator", "Chief Adventurer", "General Pot-stirrer"). Seems like they have gotten quite a lot of press.

I joined the FB group too.

This Tuesday Vian has invited Liz who wants to do a Henna activity with the kids.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Marina Kukso <> wrote:
Hi all,

Wanted to share this with you:

Also, I am in a facebook group called Bay Area Youth and DIY Education and someone just posted a call for cool makery things going on in the bay area. I've added Sudo Kids, but there's other cool stuff listed as well. I'm interested in the work this person is doing mapping out the youth "Doing interesting things in education" scene in the bay area so that we can find out what everyone else is doing and see what we can learn from each other. what do you guys think?

- marina

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