Last time, Marina got a crash course in liquidsoap radio switching, and Rusty and I accidentally created Mix Tape Radio, which is still technically running --  tune in when someone is playing a mix tape.  Or listen to the Sound of Silence otherwise: 

THIS time, More of the Same!  Why not?  It's fun to turn unlikely audio sources into streaming radios.  The more the merrier, I say.

That's why this time, I'm bringing (and leaving behind) a laptop intended to be yet another stream source as well as an automated podcast-cutter.  A liquidsoap sandbox machine anybody (who asks nicely) can have an account on.

And I had a fun idea.  We could put a streaming radio "tuner" in one or both of the rooms, a piece of hardware whose sole job it is to play streaming radio sources through a stereo.  Maybe with a nice blue LCD display like the one on this page:

And then we could set up an open-access icecast2 box (internally) that lets anybody become a streaming source, and then the "tuner" could automatically get a list of what's available, so you could just turn a knob to switch between available sources, such as:

* Sudo Radio (live)
* Sudo Radio (programmed)
* Mix Tape Radio
* Radio Loki
* All Bad Religion Plus Some TMBG 
* ...?
* Profit

So, come!  I'll be at Sudo Room from 8pm to 10pm, doing whatever I want that happens to be streaming radio related.

I'd still like to teach some liquidsoap programming to anyone who's interested.


ps. if you'd like to suggest a different meeting time, I'm open to it.  Rachel and I do-ocracied this meeting date/time and I just stuck with it.

"Nazis: love 'em or hate 'em, they certainly killed you." --Sean Cullen

Naomi Theora Most

skype: nthmost