Just a note about Roman and 99% invisible - I think he's mostly looking to get licensed on public radio stations,
and keep that show financially viable, so I don't think he'd be down to syndicate freely on a community radio station.

I do have a contact over at radio23 in Portland, who have been streaming community radio from around the globe
for a while now. We can maybe talk to them about tapping into other community radio.

2013/4/7 Marina Kukso <marina.kukso@gmail.com>
excellent. i've seen dr. kiki speak - she's great. and rich from nerd nite was at the audio recording session yesterday.

agreed on deciding on format and beginning the evangelizing process. that being said...i have a few ideas..

there are several things we can start doing:
- start doing shows ourselves
- hustling up for shows
- launch party
- more TIL's on audio production, dj'ing, etc.

i propose:
doing these simultaneously.

also, i propose setting a date for the launch party. launch party will be helpful in getting people who want to have shows, but would also benefit if we already have a few shows going (or at least a few regular slots filled).

what do you guys think?

and just as a reminder, the proposed scheduling doc for shows is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApmrUsz7z5DodDVaZnJ4TW1ndC1jd1ZYejFhUmRoWXc

- marina

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Naomi Most <pnaomi@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, actually.  This Week in Science is run by a friend of mine, Dr Kiki, who would be down with being syndicated.  The guy who runs Nerd Nite, I ran into him at the Science Gaming panel on Thursday, and he said he'd be cool with rebroadcasting the radio show he does.  He mentioned that Roman Mars who does the 99% Invisible show lives around here and could maybe be persuaded as well.

Those are all Bay Area produced shows, which feels appropriate.

This gives me a thought:  it would behoove us as a very small group, at this beginning stage, to take on proselytization-and-programming roles to start filling up our roster.

And to that end, we ought to settle on how big our slots are (2 hours? 1 hour?) and the frequency of their use (daily? weekly? monthly?) so that we can better sell ourselves on the street to prospective hosts.  ALL PUNS INTENDED.

I'll offer myself as "minister of talk show programming" for a while, until that's too big a generalization, and then I'll just be "minister of science".


On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso@gmail.com> wrote:
do you know some that are available for free syndication?

would be good to have a list of non-science shows/podcasts that are available for syndication as well.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 11:44 AM, rusty lindgren <rustylindgren@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm down.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Naomi Most <pnaomi@gmail.com> wrote:
I have this thing about science talk radio shows: I love them.

I was thinking we could start filling time in the stream by syndicating shows.  Many are great, and many would gladly receive the added exposure, however small.


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Naomi Theora Most

skype: nthmost


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Shani Aviram
Composer and Radio Producer