Max Klein

On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Charley Sheets <> wrote:
On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 16:21:49 -0700
Maximilian Klein <> wrote:

> Since the Omni Lease was signed I have ordered us some interwebz
> there.


> We are getting Dual-bonded ADSL2+ running about 40/5 megs down/up.
> Its $125 per month. Should be installed in the next 2 weeks.

Are we going to use their modem or do we have (or want to get) our own?
We have one from the old space. Maybe you have a backup?

I suppose since the plan is to switch to their fiber service once it's
rolled out, maybe we should just use their CPE for now.
Actually, I mispoke. They are going to start offering vectored DSL near us soon, not fibre. Vectored DSL offers 100down/10up. Which is not South Korea good, but there you go.