Wondering how things worked out!


On Friday, February 8, 2013, Matthew Senate wrote:
Indeed, let's take some data dumps and start moving stuff over, then we can just put the sites in maintenance mode, take the final dumps of most recent info, import it to the new vps, test, and launch.

Very excited by the prospect of running Piwik or Open Web Analytics.

// Matt

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 2:26 PM, William Budington <bill@inputoutput.io> wrote:
Have we scheduled a good time to start transferring the site to the new
VPS?  I don't think it will take long, but we should schedule the
transfer soon so we can save on the prorated server costs at Linode.
Once the transfer is complete, I'd like to replace Google analytics with
Piwik, get rid of 3rd party resources which can be used to track our
users page visits, and possibly installing mod_log_iphash or cryptolog
on the server to ensure the IP addresses on the logs are pseudononymous.

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