Thanks Matt! I just tried to add the Omni meeting to the Sudo Calendar. for May 1. Didn't work. I may have messed something up or maybe there's permissions. I admittedly have never added an event to Sudo cal b/c I have only been sole bottomliner for classroom events.
***FYI friends all, my password change/Sudo things were going to my junk mail, so folks may want to check that.
On Monday, April 28, 2014 10:49:02 PM UTC-7, Matthew Senate wrote:If you want to check to see if your user account was deleted, please try to log in here: you forgot your password, use this: register for the first time to post on the events calendar and sudo room blog (NOT THE WIKI), then register here: me know if any data is missing, I have a backup to restore if necessary.// Matt
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