Sorry that you got frustrated with the Switches and WAPs situation.
It's been years since the setup of the HP Switches, and the Wireless Access Points happened, so I don't recall all the details right now.
But, I do remember that I left a server room log notebook on top of the server, next to the monitor, describing the work done.
Also, I left a paper sheet taped against the wall detailing the switch ports that were in use, and where they were coming from.
At that time I remember you had two VLANs, a Private, and a Public one.
I put one HP switch, along with the Ruckus Wireless Controller on the publick VLAN.
I also recall sending you a Signal message with the switches log credentials, and additional informacion. I do not have that info anymore, because I have switched to a newer phone since then.
However, resetting the admin password allows access to the admin console of the HP switch(s). Clearing the HP Switch Admin Password:
When the switch is running with a paper clip push in the small hole that is labeled "CLEAR", for about 5-10 seconds. It will clear the password, and should allow admin access. Do NOT push the reset button, it will erase the whole configuration.
I remember labeling every single switch port for each switch and WAP. The info includes/included Switches, and WAPSs location, Switches/WAPs IP addresses, etc.
I know it would be nicer/best to have put that informacion on the Wiki, that's on me. But, at the time I chose to do that server log notebook just to be more on the sec side of things. Info just for us, and not for the public in general.
Hope that helps.