On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Mitar <mitar@tnode.com> wrote:

Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!

So just a point about what I am trying to learn from Creative Commons is
- it is hard to make a global license because of all differences in
legislations, copyright is very standardized but it is still an issue,
networking is much less unified
- different people have different values, we can have different names
for different licenses (like what is situation in FOSS world), or we can
have one name with different variations (like Creative Commons)

Why I believe the second approach is better is because then we can
assure that despite differences the suite of those licenses are still
interoperable and do not forgo the main points. In the case of CC this
is attribution, the see this as a common value any license should
require. We might see something else in a similar light.

Ah. One more: I propose Network Commons name for all this and to get
commons.net domain name from the Creative Commons (they have it but are
not using it).

Just wanted to chime in that I completely agree that Network Commons is a great name. Other name proposals I've heard are long and sound kinda like big unwieldy European Union projects.