
Revision as of 12:14, 8 January 2013 by (talk) (removed scientific process, added external links)

This is the project page for Education-related activities at Sudo Room. Please feel free to add ongoing activities, meetings, readings, groups working in similar areas, and any other ideas.

Local Relevant Organizations:

One Laptop Per Child - San Francisco

Partimus - providing computers and Free Software system administration support to several San Francisco Bay Area schools.'s skills
Mouse Squad - teaches students how to act as tech support for their own school.
OTX West provides Pentium 3 & 4 computers with Windows XP Professional to any Oakland students in grades 6-12. To earn a computer, the student and parent/adult must register and attend a 3 hour THCP class. Classes are held at OTX-West at least twice per month from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm, usually on a Thursday or a Saturday 9am-12pm. Classes start promptly so please arrive early.

A more kid centric sudo room

Manipulatives (toys)

-robotic legos
-cardboard boxes
-bubble wrap
-wooden blocks
-wooden science oriented toys (telescope, microscopes, stethescopes)
-wooden molecules, double helix


-scratch based computer games
-cardboard box imaginarium
   -cities & homes
   -things that go (fast) rocket ships, cars, light cycles
   -stores and lemonade stands
-theater of squishy
   -obleck: cornstarch n water
   -gack: borax and glue
-paleolithic tech
   -fire from friction - bow drill method
-video with special fx
-stop motion movie
   -character design
   -set design
   -lighting design with LEDs
-whittling with sharp knives ;)
-creating density columns
-astronomy telescopes - navigation from stars, astrolabs, compass

Art supplies

-house made playdoughs (glow in the dark)
-Popsicle sticks n tongue depressors
-pipe cleaners multiple colors and in glitter
-crayons (house made)
-butcher paper
-protractors, rulers, compasses
-paint, brushes, smocks (large shirts)

===== Reading Materials
