Difference between revisions of "Mesh/Website"

1,373 bytes added ,  17:30, 18 October 2013
adds web design stuff
(adds web design stuff)
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# Commons - as in the network commons - the fundamental, essential shared resource that is communication - "share the air"
# Commons - as in the network commons - the fundamental, essential shared resource that is communication - "share the air"

Color theme picker [muted green, orange, violet]: http://colorschemedesigner.com/#2V31Tqfudw0w0
===Color Scheme===
Used picker based on [[Mesh/Stickers|sticker green (#20b24b)]] to get [muted green, orange, violet]: http://colorschemedesigner.com/#2V31Tqfudw0w0

Wordpress theme: [http://320press.com/wp-foundation/ WP-Foundation]
Selected [http://320press.com/wp-foundation/ WP-Foundation] based on [http://foundation.zurb.com/ Foundation].
* Alternative options included
** The Twenty-Something breed of themes, namely [http://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwelve Twenty Twelve]
** [http://wordpress.org/themes/responsive Responsive]
** [http://yoko.elmastudio.de/ Yoko].

Design inspiration: [http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~atwu/firstcultural/imagine-no-cars.html Imagine No Cars (Alfred Twu)]
Research Links
* http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2012/07/26/adopting-responsive-wordpress-theme/
Found some open source fonts through [https://www.google.com/fonts/ Google Fonts]. Trick is to download the fonts, rather than use the "google fonts" service. Considered [https://www.google.com/fonts/#ReviewPlace:refine/Collection:Josefin+Sans|Quicksand|Abel|News+Cycle|Lekton|Dosis|Anaheim these fonts] and selected the combination of '''[https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Anaheim#pairings Doris for titles with Anaheim for paragraph text]''' (along with any for monospace).
===Graphic Elements===
Reaching out to designer-artists to generate engaging graphics, primarily for landing page to convey narrative, point to call to action
* [http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~atwu/firstcultural/imagine-no-cars.html Imagine No Cars (Alfred Twu)]
* [http://tacoconf.com/ TacoConf], [https://browserling.com/ Browserling], [http://browserify.org/ Browserify], etc by [[User:Substack|Substack]].
===Development Tools===
* [http://quirktools.com/screenfly Screenfly] - testing on multiple resolutions

For now, we'll be using the [https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/Stickers sticker design] as a placeholder while we construct the site as a general broad propaganda platform for mesh networks worldwide :D
For now, we'll be using the [https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Mesh/Stickers sticker design] as a placeholder while we construct the site as a general broad propaganda platform for mesh networks worldwide :D