Talk:Alternatives to capitalism

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Alternatives to Capitalism000:55, 30 August 2013
Alternatives to Capitalism000:55, 30 August 2013

Alternatives to Capitalism

Looks like this article needs some work. Does anyone have some directions on it? Who made it?

We might check out and add in here: - Rainbow family - Native ways of original peoples - Occupy? - Other traditional forms of economics eg.

    communism, socialism, marxism, social business?

- also maybe sharecropping? slavery? we have to remember race is one of the lies this country was founded on.

EM Che (talk)00:55, 30 August 2013

Alternatives to Capitalism

Looks like this article needs some work. Does anyone have some directions on it? Who made it?

We might check out and add in here: - Rainbow family - Native ways of original peoples - Occupy? - Other traditional forms of economics eg.

    communism, socialism, marxism, social business?

- also maybe sharecropping? slavery? we have to remember race is one of the lies this country was founded on.

EM Che (talk)00:55, 30 August 2013