
Key Info

Come by and introduce yourself! A good place to start is dropping by any event – see our calendar for more info!


The only requirements for becoming a member are to be in good standing with Sudo Room and to pay monthly dues of $10 or more.  We suggest a monthly due of $60, and accept non-monetary contributions such as delicious snacks brought to our Wednesday night meetings. No one is turned away for lack of resources!

For more info or to request to join, email

To learn about our vision and code of conduct, read our wiki.

Mailing List

Participate in discussions by joining our Discuss email list.

We’re old-school, we don’t do chat and we prefer meeting in-person in real life πŸ™‚

The technical stuff

You can find information about the process for becoming a member here. The first step is to email us to let us know you want to join!
The below form isn’t always reliable, so if you fill it out, make sure you’ve emailed

Declaration of Intent to Join