[Artmurmur] Friday the 5th

Romy Ilano romy at snowyla.com
Sat Jun 29 17:56:05 PDT 2013


There's not only the art murmur but also the Saturday Stroll... [the
morning after]

There's an art gallery downstairs in the same building, and they are always
open during the Saturday Stroll. I don't know the name of
the gallery but it might be cool to check with them. They are certainly
open during art murmur. Maybe it would be good to coordinate with them as

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Tracy Jacobs <kinetical at comcast.net> wrote:

> Anyone thinking about stuff to do for Art Murmur, on the 5th?  It is
> definitely still happening, though the city can't afford to close the
> street;  I guess it costs like $25,000 per each event!  I'm planning to go
> in and clean the community room a bit beforehand, and if I can, bring some
> art.  If I can get all the parts ready, I'd like to set up a
> zootrope with a turntable and strobe light, so that people can make their
> own claymation.  It's super fun for all ages.
> If anyone else has ideas or stuff to bring that would be awesome.  Hope to
> see you all there.
> Tracy
> www.funkyautomata.com
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