[DisasterRadio] Volunteers for Build Your Own Internet Workshop @OmniCommons 27 Jan 2-5pm

grant at peoplesopen.net grant at peoplesopen.net
Wed Jan 24 13:34:52 PST 2018

[cross-posting an update from SSB]

Good news! The disaster.radio prototypes are now functioning properly! Just in time for the BYOI workshop. Still need to test if the web app works consistently with Android/iOS devices, but I'm hoping to have a handful of protoypes at the workshop that people can connect and post to with their phone or laptop and have a always on computer+projector at the DR table logging all the messages as they roll in.

Maybe we could also do a live range test? I plan on exposing a few settings (e.g. spreading factor, spi frequency, ...?) through the websocket, so they can be changed on the fly. Should be helpful in testing and development.

Anyway, hope to see some disaster.radio folk at the workshop this Saturday.


January 20, 2018 4:36 PM, grant at peoplesopen.net (mailto:grant at peoplesopen.net) wrote:
	Hey disaster.radio peoples! 

	Some of you maybe unaware, but SudoMesh/PeoplesOpen is hosting another Build Your Own Internet (BYOI) Workshop on Saturday, Jan 27th 2-5pm at the Omni Commons. We've planned for disaster.radio to have table at the event. I was hoping to confirm a few willing volunteers to work to the table and talk to people about the project. We're expecting to have almost 100 people in attendance, so we'll need all the help we can get. I will be at the event, but may be busy with other organizational tasks and plan on working a table for buildyourowninter.net (http://buildyourowninter.net). 

	I'm hoping to prepare stuff for the disaster.radio table this Monday night at Sudoroom. I'm hoping to have a working demo of the chat app running during the workshop. It still needs to be tested, but we could "hide" some of the disaster.radio prototypes around the Omni Ballroom, so people could connect to them and broadcast a message to all the other disaster.nodes. In the event that the prototypes are not ready, we can show the simulated chat app or maybe the network simulator that Juul has been hacking on. 

	If anyone is interested in volunteering or helping prepare, feel free to respond to this thread or email me directly. 

	Stuff we may need: 

	* An extra projector 

	* An open computer to connect to projector 

	* More working disaster.radio prototypes? (I currently have 4 working prototypes, not sure how many more we have parts for) 

	* Rando electronics parts/equipment to layout on the table 

	* More stickers printed and cut (some designs can be found https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/tree/master/stickers (https://github.com/sudomesh/propaganda/tree/master/stickers)) 

	* A short blurb about the project for the event program (I'm currently using a sentence or two from the website) 

	Anyway, hope to see some of you at the workshop. More info about the workshop can be found at peoplesopen.net/workshop (https://peoplesopen.net/workshop). 



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