[sudo-hall] Oakland Digital - front room facing street

Eddan Katz eddan at sudoroom.tv
Sat Dec 21 20:38:15 PST 2013

Yesterday afternoon - Shaun Tai and Linda Peong, co-founders of Oakland Digital (http://odalc.org/), along with their colleague Hilda Elizabeth Mendoza - came by to visit the Sudo Hall wing of 2141 Broadway and have expressed interest in the front room facing Broadway.

I've always been very impressed by the tangible impact ODALC has been making on the community and also anticipate that they could help lead events and education oriented towards kids.

They are now in contact with George & Laurie directly, but are also very interested in helping coordinate the collaboration of groups & companies for Peer Production. They are also interested in having the common area be governed by the community institutional members, including scheduling and sanitation.

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