[mesh-dev] [Mesh] 1-2 day planning retreat

Marc Juul juul at labitat.dk
Sun Jan 11 13:10:05 PST 2015

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 9:46 AM, April Glaser <april.glaser at riseup.net>

> hey!! could you all fill out what dates work for you on this poll to have
> a strategy meeting to asses where we are now and what our next steps will
> be for people's open?

planning? i think we should spend some time talking about direction, but we
shouldn't spend a whole 1-2 days on that. We should spend most of the time
actually getting work done. Here's what i'm thinking about work we need to
do to get to a launched mesh:

  1. finish firmware with new protocol (at least enough that the basics are
  2. moar tall nodes mounted!
  3. link 500+ mbit internet connection to mesh (optional, but nice to have)
  4. make ordering system for pre-flashed nodes (optional, but nice to have)
  5. run beta test with smaller mesh
  6. reach out to wider community while test is running in prep of launch
  7. complete intro material for new node owners
  8. launch crowdfunding campaign where we sell pre-flashed routers as perks
  9. have large working mesh
10. everything works as expected with absolutely no surprises

Not all of these block each other (e.g. #1 doesn't block #7), but #1 and #2
do block #9

Thanks for setting up the dudle April.

btw, who filled out the dudle anonymously?

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