[Mesh] Cheap Virtual Private Servers for Mesh Development

Matthew Senate mattsenate at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 15:59:26 PDT 2014

Hey all,

What do ya'll think about setting up a couple of development VPSs from the
sudo mesh budget?

I'd like to go for one or two of something like this:

   - http://www.ftpit.com/
      - ~$2 / mo for (either)
         - 2 CPU Core | 512 MB RAM | 30 GB Storage | 1 TB Bandwidth | 1
         IPv4 | OpenVZ & SolusVM
         - 2 CPU Core | 512 MB RAM | 20 GB Storage (SSD) | 1 TB Bandwidth |
         1 IPv4 | OpenVZ & SolusVM

I'm putting some attention in on the exitnode provisioning (and therefore
server provisioning in general).

I was thinking about setting up some in-person machines at sudo room for
developer training, development environments, testing before deployment,
etc. Marc pointed out that the power consumption of such a machine would
probably not be worth it given the low cost of a VPS. However, I still want
to streamline the process for facilitating new developers to build a
smaller version of peoplesopen.net network, and to provide testing
infrastructure to maintain reliability and up-time.

I updated this page on the wiki, please contribute:

// Matt
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