[Mesh] [sudo-discuss] Sudo Room looking RAD for the fundraising video: we need all sudo-ers!!! Oct. 5th

Jenny Ryan tunabananas at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 13:29:40 PDT 2014

So fun! I'll bring up tonight w/ the mesh team possibly having a router
re-flashing sesh, for folks to bring back their routers and flash them with
the updated firmware!

Re: sudo's regularly occurring activities...
Maybe a yar 3D printing magnets, a ChrisB working on a bike, a Lady Alex
sewing patches onto things, an Ed putting linux on a donated pile of
computers, a Patrick making mate, a Liz editing video, an Anthony
calligraphying, a treeherder playing with arduinos, a Hol at the workbench,
a Daniel at the server rack, a couple folks (marc, nick, korl) working on
the planterbox pulley system?

October 5th is a good deadline also to clean and arrange the space so we
could even possibly fit all of the above into our side of the room ;)


 "Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Noemie Serfaty <noemieserfaty at gmail.com>

> Sudoer!
> As you may know already, the film collective is preparing a bad ass
> fundraising video, in order to help raise 2 million $ for the Omni. The
> video being a crucial aspect of the crowdfunding campaign, we need your
> participation!
> The film collective's concept is to do a one shot walkthrough of the OMNI
> *We need as many sudo-ers as possible to participate in the shoot *that
> will take place on *OCTOBER 5th from noon to 5pm! *We're not sure it will
> last that long, but we are sure that we all need to be ready to shoot by
> noon.
> Please save the date! It will be super fun too!
> The video concept will be something like this:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sr-vxVaY_M
> Except that instead of rich people dining, we'd have awesome people
> building the Omni or doing their awesome project. What we have in mind, is
> very concrete activities that show that we are building the Omni for the
> greater good. The camera would stop in front of the person absorbed in
> their activity and they would be like "hey! I'm repairing this so that it's
> safe for kids to use!"
> or "hey! I'm making a shelf so we can do this or that!
> *Sudoer, you who are reading this now:* in order to pull this video off,
> we need your participation! Give me a sign if you're in!
>                                                =======================
> We also need to figure out what activities sudo-ers would be doing inside
> sudo. Here are my suggestions:
> - *Work on actual construction projects*, or moving stuff. It's an
> opportunity to work on the space! Anything you had planned in this vein
> could happen on october 5th! Do let me know what you have in mind, and
> we'll figure out in more detail what to do. The more people will be in the
> space working on stuff, even just putting up signs or making the space look
> more pretty, the better.
> - Work on cool sudo projects!
> *sudo mesh*, but then it would need to be somewhat visual. Working on the
> weird antennas or the pico stations... I would love it if some of you mesh
> people had suggestions of what you'd be doing and what the person who would
> be asked what they're doing would answer in a concise way.
> *Oakland Wiki*, if the Oakland wiki peeps are down!
> *The robot*, because it's fun. We'd need to have a fun and convincing
> thing to say about it: "I'm programming the robot so that people can (...)
> ?" Jake, any suggestion - "kill all the humans" excluded :) ?
> *Francisco* working on vinegar, or cooking, or walking in with vegetables
> form the market to cook something?
> Feel free to suggest other things!
> The general idea, I think, is to suggest that we're all about a radical
> commoning of resources, and do things that benefit the greater community in
> an evident way.
> Write to me if you have ideas on how you could participate in this!
> Thank you!
> Noémie
> --
> Noémie Serfaty
> 108 rue du Faubourg du Temple
> 75011 Paris
> Tel: 06 27 76 88 84
> Tel: 01 71 50 51 82
> noemieserfaty at gmail.com
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