[Mesh] node mount -- where is everybody?

Marc Juul juul at labitat.dk
Sun Oct 15 17:23:08 PDT 2017

Hey. Sorry we were late.

For those who didn't come to the mount, we ended up having to move the dsl
modem inside the house which required some rewiring, then we drilled a hole
through the floor and ran a cable under the house and outdoors to the
garage where we installed a home node. We flashed a nanobridge and decided
to install it in the tall tree in the backyard but also decided that we
need some more safety gear before we climb the tree. We would come back
once safety gear has been acquired. If anyone has roof climbing experience
we'd love some advice on how to do this and what kinda safety equipment is

On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 1:20 PM, Bullitt D. Bourbon <bb at elleko.net> wrote:

> l've been at Sudo to meet up at 1. Only Devin showed up.
> Are other people just meeting elsewhere?
> -BB
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