[sudo-discuss] last night was awesome

Jenny Ryan tunabananas at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 19:50:57 PDT 2014

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Yar, this post is great! Concur'd on all points. Thank you for being
there to host and clean the space beforehand, and giving what felt
like half a hundred tours :) $1k! that's awesome!

TWAC were amazing guests in so many ways - breathing new life into the
space, filling it with smart, fun, radical energy. They were super
well-organized and did a great job with cleanup afterwards (thank to
Eliot for hella pitching in, also!).

I'll reiterate Yar's point that we should be better stocked on TP for
large events - so if you've been wanting to give a really, really
functional sudo donation, that would be great ;)

Another suggestion last night was putting up some clear way of
indicating points of contact within the space, people who are stoked
to greet new folks, give tours and answer questions. I am wondering if
anyone has a polaroid camera, and perhaps we could take photos of
members who are generally down to take on this role (sudo ambassadors
or some such) and make a proper board in the space for newbies? (and
kudos to Jeremy for redesigning the entrance to the common space,
replete with a huge whiteboard listing out each week's events, and to
Chris for adding a chalkboard to our sandwich board sign out front for
easier updating to the public what's happening on any given day).

I've got another dozen or so gratitudes to individual folks I could
list out, but I'll reserve those for other posts and just thank sudo
generally for being so rad. I was in a bit of a funk yesterday, and it
completely evaporated soon as I stepped foot into the space <3


On 04/05/2014 03:38 PM, Yar wrote:
> So we never made it out to First Friday. It was sorta rainy, a lot
> of us were burned out, Marc had spent 48 hours straight trying to
> fix a sudomesh bug, and I was focused on the TWAC show. But that's
> really ok because I don't know if FF could have compared to the
> quantity and quality of outreach we got from TWAC. The space was
> totally packed with rad queer women, a lot of whom were very
> excited about what we're doing and want to get involved. We had 3D
> printers running the whole time, did a bunch of impromptu tours and
> 5-minute speed classes in printing, coding, etc. Sudo provided a
> nice low-key hacking environment as an outlet during show
> intermissions.
> They raised over $1k for the camp - which, to reiterate, will be
> an entirely free event for women, trans & genderqueer people to
> learn and skill-share about activism and all kinds of life-hacking
> and other hacking. They don't use the word hacking but that's
> totally what it is. Sudo built hella good will with a community of
> great folks last night. Also for such a huge event (at least 200
> people came through) cleanup went really well. We only had to do a
> little bit this morning - collect bathroom trash, take trash &
> recycling downstairs and some light vacuuming.
> Things we still need to do better:
> * have extra toilet paper ready ahead of time, do regular bathroom
> checks * bag/rebag all trash cans ahead of time * Make sure the air
> control system actually works - things get uncomfortable with that
> many people and no ventilation. Don't be afraid of pressuring
> George to actually go on the roof and double-check that the power
> switch is actually on.
> When we introduce Sudoroom to the audience, remember don't stray
> too far off message. Some major bullet points need to be:
> * we're entirely free, volunteer-run and always accept (need) 
> donations to keep us open * we're a community space for everybody,
> you don't have to identify as an artist/activist/hacker * we do
> awesome projects that benefit the community * we are open and
> welcoming and always want more members - we tend to shut the doors
> when the show gets loud, which is understandable as we're trying to
> hack/concentrate, but it also can make people feel intimidated. So
> it helps a lot to just give specific strong invitations for people
> to come in and join. A few people suggested a large sign on our
> door saying as much. * please respect the space as our guests -
> please recycle your beer cans, please clean up spills, please never
> write graffiti on the walls or bathrooms - as tempting or legit as
> the message may be, Sudoers are accountable to the landlord and
> have to pay the price for it. 
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- -Laurie Anderson

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 -Hannah Arendt

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