[sudo-discuss] Film Night!

Eske Silver eske.silver at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 02:58:15 PDT 2014

So, this weeks titles were announced over the weekend, and I'm hoping to
see you all there!

This Friday, we'll be showing the titles '*Nothing*' and '*MirrorMask*'.
Two movies about being slung into a wild, alternate world - where things
make little to no sense, but the adventure is grand.
More info on this event can be found here:
October 17th Film Night

For the Film Night of Friday th 24th, we will be screening '*The Internet's
Own Boy*' and '*Hackers*', with a half hour open conversation between
(and/or after).
More info on this event can be found here:
October 24th Film Night

There is no Film Night planned for Friday the 31st, as it is Halloween.
But! If enough people are interested in having a horrifying, ghoulish,
frightening movie night, I will certainly consider hosting one for All
Hallows Eve!

If you're interested, just reply in line as an RSVP, with a movie

~ Korl
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