[sudo-discuss] Agenda Item for next week's meeting: ONL is not a member collective.

yar yardenack at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 09:50:07 PDT 2014

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 9:06 AM, Andrew Lowe <andrew at lostways.com> wrote:
> I did not attend this event, but I have attended ONL events before. ONL is a
> talk show, I'm not sure why not being political enough makes them
> "offensive". I mean I will let them speak for them selves, but they are an
> entertainment show, why would you expect a "debate" at a talk show?
> Anyway, just standing up for this show even if it isn't really my cup of tea
> all the time, I think what ONL has been able to do with it is pretty
> amazing, and to force them out because their show isn't radical enough in
> the ways you want it to be would be a shame.

Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but just for the record ...

1) To bill Saturday's show as apolitical "entertainment" would be
disingenuous. They did not invite Dan Siegel the private citizen to
chat with him about his hobbies. They invited three candidates for an
upcoming election to air campaign commercials, give stump speeches and
answer token questions about their political platform. Exactly that,
no more, no less.

2) Absolutely nothing in my critique was "radical". It was barely even
liberal. Asking for substantive debate is about the most centrist
position you could possibly imagine. Has our overton window really
shifted this much?

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