[sudo-discuss] Sudo Member Space Access procedure

niki niki.shelley at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 19:26:46 PDT 2015

Thanks, Jake!

This all makes sense. I realize that it's not malicious, likely just
distraction or forgetfulness. I just feel that upfront communication about
the space is key to engendering a sense of collective responsibility and
it's hard to do that when the door is open and no one is around to welcome
new people.

Thanks for all of your work / thought.


On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Jake <jake at spaz.org> wrote:

> Hi Niki!  I meant to respond when you sent a message like this awhile ago,
> regarding someone who refused to properly close the door after opening it.
> Before I talk about the technical situation, which I believe applies to
> this problem, I want to try to answer your specific question.
> The procedure for granting door access, when I do it, is by demonstrating
> how the unlocking and re-locking procedure works, and making sure people
> understand that they must re-lock the door after opening it.
> But of course sometimes people will forget, or worse, actively shirk their
> duty to re-lock the door.  In the latter case, if a person refuses your
> request to re-lock the door they unlocked, I will electronically revoke
> their access until they explain themselves at the appropriate meeting. This
> would also be appropriate for people who repeatedly forget to re-lock the
> door after themselves.
> We have been working on the door technology a lot this last week,
> improving reliability.  But we have been holding back on adding features
> because I understand that we are very close to replacing the front door.
> The new front door will not "unlock" and "re-lock" but will be the usual
> type of door which you "buzz" open, and when it closes it locks again.
> One of the features we can add in the meantime is a record of incidents
> when people use their card to unlock the door, and it does not get
> re-locked within 5 minutes.  If the people are not members of La Commune,
> we will know to contact them for re-education.
> It's my understanding that we have received a permit to replace the front
> door, and that someone bottomlining that project has taken measurements. I
> do not know how long it will take or who is doing it, but this is why I
> have not changed the front door system to activate the doorknob instead of
> unlocking the pins.  If it activated the doorknob instead, it would
> automatically lock when the door closed again.  But it's a lot of work to
> do considering the door will be replaced very soon.
> Once again, if any person with electronic access is being irresponsible
> with unlocking the door, I am willing to de-activate their card until they
> come to the appropriate meeting to resolve the problem.
> And I will be more pro-active in reminding people to lock the door they
> open, and I will look into the access logging feature.
> thank you,
> -jake
> On Friday, Niki wrote:
> Hey friends,
> Can someone point me to where the procedure for granting new Sudo member
> access to the space is  (if there is one?)
> The front door was left open by a Sudo member (no personal hard feelings!)
> and I just want to make sure that it's being communicated to members that
> the door should be closed and locked if no one is watching the front.
> I am working on an orientation pamphlet for folks who are new to the space
> (it's taking longer than anticipated!) so hopefully by the time we re-key,
> we'll have something more tangible to provide people.
> <3
> N
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