[sudo-discuss] Time bank the sudomesh

Romy Ilano romy at snowyla.com
Sat Jun 20 14:28:34 PDT 2015

Hi Max,

I'm setting up the basic wiki for the time bank on the sudoroom github
repo. feel free to add as you wish!


*want to add to it?*

UX is especially important

   - the site is down, and the app isn't working - it probably won't be up
   again for a few months
   - most people don't really follow the strict hours and accounting of the
   time bank. ti's more of an informal exchange
   - I'm wondering if the time exchanged as currency could be more fluid.
   Instead of "2 hours or 1 hours" I wonder if people could donate "a late
   afternoon" or "an evening"

*I'm prototyping some iOS mobile apps* that will also try to get people
into the time bank in a way beyond just adding hours. And I'm using a
temporary backend as an xperiemtn - which is actually a good thing.

since the database won't be back up anytime soon this is actually an
opportunity for people to  experiment:

   - What if you could donate hours but they got used up and not stored
   before the end of the month?
   - what if people could just assign themselves hours and see if they
   could reach this number of hours by a certain time! like a race?
   - What if you gained hours by weird things like hugs or cheering someone

I'm setting something up on Parse until the open source is ready. if anyone
is interested just email me.


Romy Ilano
romy at snowyla.com

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:22 PM, max b <maxb.personal at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would be happy to give timebank hours to anyone for helping with the
> mesh. If it took off, I could look into setting sudomesh up as its own
> timebank entity.
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Romy Ilano <romy at snowyla.com> wrote:
>> Would you all be into experimenting with the sudomesh ? Maybe we can time
>> bank it and structure training that way.
>> I love the project but I get lost in all the awesome details ..
>> Sent from my iPhone
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