[sudo-discuss] metal lathe is up and running!

hol at gaskill.com hol at gaskill.com
Fri Sep 4 15:27:13 PDT 2015

hi folks,

looks like the spindle needs to be tightened a little bit but it's 
working!  i brought in some tooling, enough to make cuts and learn.  
anyone interested in using it can easily learn the basics of lathe 
operations and how to grind lathe bits online before operating.  this 
lathe is also capable of cutting threads - just swap out gears as 
indicated on the inside cover of the gearbox and use an appropriate 
60-degree bit.  the lathe and all the tooling I brought in are a 
donation to the space but once there's a place for the tooling I'll grab 
the toolbox back.

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