[sudo-discuss] metal lathe is up and running!

Cere Misc cere.misc at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 17:14:55 PDT 2015

Yes.  Seems pretty much guaranteed.

> statistically this kind of thing will eventually cause an accident.
> -jake
> On Wed, 23 Sep 2015, Cere Misc wrote:
> I just wanted to offer a word of caution to anyone using that lathe (esp
>> if they are short).  The positioning of the power switch is extremely
>> dangerous!  It's very likely to accidentally get your arm caught in that
>> lathe while
>> attempting to reach over the top of the spinning chuck to power it off!
>> It's in fact so precarious hazardous that I will probably not use it until
>> we manage to get the power switch repositioned.
>> .02+beware!
>> -Cere
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Marc Juul <juul at labitat.dk> wrote:
>>       On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 3:27 PM, <hol at gaskill.com> wrote:
>>             hi folks,
>>             looks like the spindle needs to be tightened a little bit but
>> it's working!  i brought in some tooling, enough to make cuts and learn.
>> anyone interested in using it can easily learn the basics of lathe
>>             operations and how to grind lathe bits online before
>> operating.  this lathe is also capable of cutting threads - just swap out
>> gears as indicated on the inside cover of the gearbox and use an appropriate
>>             60-degree bit.  the lathe and all the tooling I brought in
>> are a donation to the space but once there's a place for the tooling I'll
>> grab the toolbox back.
>> Awesome! I was playing with it the other day. This is a great addition to
>> sudo and the perfect size lathe for our current space!
>> --
>> marc/juul
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