[sudo-discuss] multiple lamp dimming with a single arduino

robb sf99er at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 18:25:36 PDT 2016

anyway, will this work?

 4 channel dmx ac dimmer
 with AC Light Control & DMXSerialRecv
 AC Light Control
 Ryan McLaughlin <ryanjmclaughlin at gmail.com>
 with slight modifications
 with modifications

#include <DMXSerial.h>         //
#include <TimerOne.h>           //
#define PINS 4
volatile int pinCount[PINS];    // make volatile to make available in
volatile boolean zero_cross=0;  // Boolean to store a "switch" to tell us
if we have crossed zero
int AC_pins[] = {3,4,5,6};        // Stup the pin numbers
int AC_dim[PINS];               // Holds Dimming levels (0-128)  0 = on,
128 = 0ff
int freqStep = 65;              // Set the delay for the frequency of power
(65 for 60Hz, 78 for 50Hz) per step (using 128 steps)
                                // freqStep may need some adjustment
depending on your power the formula
                                // you need to us is
(500000/AC_freq)/NumSteps = freqStep

void setup() {
  DMXSerial.init(DMXReceiver);        // Setup external mode signal,
Hardware & Enable receiver and Receive interrupt

  for(int a=0; a < PINS; a++) { //set the pins to output
   pinCount[a] = 0;             // keeps track of the time in the cycle
   AC_dim[a] = 0;               // dimming level set to zero
  attachInterrupt(0, zero_cross_detect, FALLING);  // Attach Interrupt to
Pin 2 (interrupt 0) for Zero Cross Detection
  Timer1.initialize(freqStep);                     // Initialize TimerOne
library for the freq we need
  Timer1.attachInterrupt(dim_check, freqStep);     // Use the TimerOne
Library to attach an interrupt
                                                   // to the function we
use to check to see if it is
                                                   // the right time to
fire the triac.  This function
                                                   // will now run every
freqStep in microseconds.

void zero_cross_detect() {        // function to be fired at the zero
   zero_cross = 1;                // set flag to tell dimming function zero
cross has occured
}                                 // End zero_cross_detect

void dim_check() {                   // Function will fire the triac at the
proper time
 if(zero_cross == 1) {               // First check to make sure the
zero-cross has happened else do nothing
   for(int a=0; a < PINS; a++) {
     if(pinCount[a] >= AC_dim[a]) {       // Check and see if i has reached
the dimming value we want
       digitalWrite(AC_pins[a], HIGH);    // Fire the Triac
       delayMicroseconds(5);              // Pause briefly to ensure the
triac turned on
       digitalWrite(AC_pins[a], LOW);     // Turn off the Triac gate (Triac
will turn off at the next zero cross)
       pinCount[a] = 0;                   // Reset the accumulator
       zero_cross = 0;                    // Reset the zero_cross so it may
be turned on again at the next zero_cross_detect
     } else {
       pinCount[a]++;                     // If the dimming value has not
been reached, incriment the counter

void loop() {
  // Calculate how long no data backet was received
  unsigned long lastPacket = DMXSerial.noDataSince();

  if (lastPacket < 5000) {
    // read recent DMX values and set dimmer levels
    analogWrite(AC_pins[a],,   DMXSerial.read[a]);

  // *This is simply making all outputs cycle through bright-dark, out of
time with each other.
 for(int i=0; i<127; i ++) {
   for(int a=0; a < PINS; a++) {
      int ii = i+42;               //this is the bit that puts the blinking
lights out of sync with one another
      if(ii > 127) ii -= 127;
      AC_dim[a] = ii;

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 8:57 AM, robb <sf99er at gmail.com> wrote:

> using an esp8266 w/it's 80 or 160mhz
> <http://www.instructables.com/id/ESP8266-NodeMCU-CPU-Speed-Test/> clock
> might be the way to go tho
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 8:33 AM, robb <sf99er at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dan Fredell's
>> <http://danfredell.com/df/Projects/Entries/2013/1/6_DMX_Dimmer.html> 4
>> channel design uses a 20mhz clock
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 1:01 AM, Jake <jake at spaz.org> wrote:
>>> send links along with claims like this
>>> On Wed, 24 Aug 2016, robb wrote:
>>> and
>>>>  why do you need a 20MHz crystal?
>>>> apparently you need 20mhz for 4 stable channels when using the timer
>>>> method
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