[sudo-discuss] Recommendations for learning linux for beginning hacker/coder

aaronco36 aaronco36 at fastmail.fm
Thu Dec 15 09:58:46 PST 2016

Original thread is 'recommendations for vps for beginning hacker/coder'
started by Jake at

Marc Juul <juul at labitat.dk> recently wrote:
> ...
> He could however get someone with a terminal 
> program to install one on the VPS for him:
>  http://web-console.org/
> Super easy. Just install apache2 and the php 
> module and follow the instructions.

BTW, as apache2 and php are specifically mentioned here,  it might be
good to know that it's also possible to run (and learn)
Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP on the Android devices they own (e.g., standard
smartphones and tablets.)

Quoting Dmitri Popov at
Installing a regular Linux distribution on an Android device opens a
whole new world of possibilities. You can turn your Android device into
a full-blown Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP server and run web-based
applications on it, install and use your favorite Linux tools, and even
run a graphical desktop environment. In short, having a Linux distro on
an Android device can come in handy in many situations.

Besides Popov's Linux Magazine feature article, a cursory online search
for "Linux" and "Android" yielded these additionally relevant hits ...
- SourceForge's 'LinuxonAndroid'
- TechRadar's 'How to install Linux on an Android phone'
- Instructables' 'Install GNU/Linux on your Android mobile phone'
- Google Play's 'Complete Linux Installer' app



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