[sudo-discuss] We are down an Ed

Jenny Ryan tunabananas at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 22:04:10 PST 2016

Thank you for sharing this, Ed. Ed Rippy also attended several Open Circle
meetings and was a stalwart supporter of families struggling for justice of
their loved ones murdered at the hands of police. I wish i'd taken the
opportunity to get to know him better - he struck me as an infinitely
patient and wise human, a deeply-caring activist with whom I shared a deep
desire to document and support underheard voices, and will be dearly missed.

Sorry that I am just seeing this now and missed the celebration today.
There was also a memorial celebration today of Ahnon, a brilliant and kind
woman, as well as a founding member of Counter Culture Labs and the Omni
Commons, who passed away this past week. There have been several deaths and
births in the community over the course of this past year - may we all
carry on the spirit of our fallen comrades into our work, doing so with
future generations in mind.

Love and solidarity,


Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé

On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Ed Biow <biow at riseup.net> wrote:

> Ed Rippy Jr. <http://erippy.home.mindspring.com/> died Tuesday, November
> 1st after a long battle with lung cancer. He was a veteran activist, a
> sudoroom <http://sudoroom.org> member, the web master for the Oscar Grant
> Committee <http://www.oscargrantcommittee.org/>, very involved in Occupy
> Concord, an excellent writer, active in 9/11 issues & the fight against
> imperialism, and much, much more.
> Sunday at 1PM his friends will gather at Vinnie’s Bar & Grill
> <http://vinniesbar.com/> at 2045 Mount Diablo Street
> <https://www.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode&q=2045+mt+diablo+st,+concord,+ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.22949,60.820313&ie=UTF8&ll=37.987707,-122.031155&spn=0.009303,0.014849&z=14&iwloc=A>
> in downtown Concord to celebrate his life and maybe raise a few bucks for
> his cremation, etc. There will be three great local bands, Blue Moonshine
> <http://bluemoonshinerocks.com/>, The Breedloves
> <http://www.the-breedloves.com/> & Celtic trio Sin Silver
> <http://www.sinsilverandtheavenue.com/>, as well as some BBQ, all for
> only a $5 cover.  The event will go on until 8 PM.
> https://sudoroom.org/events/memorial-celebration-for-sudoer-ed-rippy/
> https://occupyoakland.org/event/celebrate-life-ed-rippy-
> benefit-bbq-concert/
> I've tried to step up and take over some of Ed's responsibilities for the
> Oscar Grant Committee's web site, I'm not superstitious just because he is
> my namesake (crossing himself violently even though he is an atheist, thank
> God).
> I might have room for a person or two if they show up at the Oakland
> Museum around 4 PM, some of us OO folks are meeting on the stairs there at
> 2 PM for the free day to see the Black Panther special exibit.
> https://occupyoakland.org/event/occupy-oakland-visits-
> oakland-musuem-black-panther-exhibit/?instance_id=303589
> “Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.”
> -Mother Jones & Not-So-Special Ed
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