[sudo-discuss] Hardware Hack Night: Movement - Car and bike related stuff

Romy Ilano romy at snowyla.com
Tue Jan 10 10:43:29 PST 2017

Hey everyone,

I'm excited about Hardware hack night. I'm continuing my connected car hack
(using the automatic API) so I can track my car and do fun experiments:


I'm going to focus on completing a project and having something to present
by the next meeting, and giving tips on how I did it.

In the future I'd like to:

   - Encourage people who drive cars to exercise more
   - Find ways to enable people to ride the Amtrack more by make tools that
   solve the last mile problem, since we sorely need more rail in the East Bay
   - explore topics around hacking wheelchairs.




Romy Ilano
romy at snowyla.com
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