[sudo-discuss] Annual Fire Inspection scheduled - Tuesday 5/1 @ 2:30pm

Jenny Ryan tunabananas at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 13:54:36 PDT 2018

Greetings Omninoms!

Thanks to DK, we have our annual fire inspection scheduled for this Tuesday
at 2:30pm with Inspector Garrett.

To prep:
* All rooms must be unlocked or unlockable, which means we'll need key
access to Liberated Lens, the CCL closets, and the TIL office - can copies
of those keys be made and put on the master keyring in secure storage?
* Ballroom must be cleared of tables and chairs, mezzanine of stray books
* Extension cables disconnected and pathways clear
* All hallways cleared of stuff and at least 3' clearance in front of any
electrical panels
* All storage areas cleaned up a bit and flammable materials put away (mesh
in sudo; phat beets, ABDC, Village, CCL in basement)

Also, I'll try to be there on Tuesday but lmk if you can help prep the
building Monday afternoon/evening or Tuesday AM.


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