[sudo-discuss] Fwd: [omni-discuss] Fwd: Three actions to defend Aunti Frances

Jenny Ryan tunabananas at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 18:35:47 PST 2018

If someone could share these upcoming actions with sudoers tonight, that
would be awesome. I'm still in Upstate NY til tomorrow.

> On February 5, 2018 at 1:30:44 PM, Defend Aunti Frances (
> defendauntifrances at protonmail.com) wrote:
> Dear friends of Aunti Frances,
> We write to you as our contacts at various organizations, most of which
> have already formally signed on as supporters of the campaign to keep Aunti
> Frances in her home. In the coming weeks we will be substantially turning
> up the pressure on Aunti’s landlords, the Morphys, with three primary
> actions that we ask your organizations to support.
> Next week, from Monday the 12th through Friday the 16th, we organizing a
> campaign to call the Morphys to remind them how much Aunti Frances means to
> our communities and to ask them politely but urgently not to evict her.
> The following week, on the morning of Wednesday February 21st (precise
> time TBD, likely morning), we are asking you to come out with everyone you
> can bring to the Hayward Hall of Justice on the day of Aunti’s pre-trial
> settlement hearing with the Morphys, to show public support for Aunti and
> encourage the landlords to drop the case. We will be having a festive event
> on the courthouse steps and will be facilitating rides to and from the
> Hayward BART. The week of February 26th, as you likely have already seen,
> is the week of Aunti Frances’s jury trial, for which we are calling for
> court support.
> We know that bringing folks out to Hayward on a weekday morning will be a
> challenge, which is why we would love your help! We’ll keep you posted with
> more details about the settlement hearing event and the court support.
> For calling the Morphys, the ask is as follows:
>    - This week, we ask that each organization sign up on this spreadsheet
>    <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yztfMOz-VYwVxZnLQT2zskGXhl2XvlvmHvTr1rmFZKo/edit?usp=sharing>
>    for a date/time-slot, during which you will have at least 5 people make
>    with scripted phone calls—one to Natalia, one to James and Alexandra. (You
>    will notice, there are more slots in the morning—we want to start each day
>    off strong, and then keep their phones buzzing throughout the day.)
>    - Next Sunday night, we will send you an email that includes the call
>    script as well as the time your organization signed up to make the calls.
>    - You make the calls, after which you please indicate this by placing
>    an “x” next to your organization’s name on the spreadsheet for each pair of
>    calls made.
>    - We believe it is likely that at some point the Morphys will
>    disconnect their phones (or their voicemails get full)—if this has happened
>    when you call, please send us an email ASAP.
>    - If anything else comes up while calling, feel free to report.
> Please let us know which of these actions your organization is interested
> in be participating in, and if you have any questions. If we don’t hear
> from you over the next couple days, you will be followed up with directly
> by a volunteer from SURJ, who is supporting us in this work, or by a
> volunteer with Defend Aunti Frances.
> In Solidarity,
> Defend Aunti Frances
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