[sudo-discuss] Omni Calendar html issue

grant at peoplesopen.net grant at peoplesopen.net
Fri Feb 16 12:14:47 PST 2018

Hey sudo,

I noticed that html is broken for some of our events on the Omni Commons calendar. I fixed/updated the SudoMesh meeting event, but Hardware Hack Night and the Weekly Party still have some exposed html tags. Someone who is active in those events should update them or try debugging the root cause. I found it easier to just remove the html. Here's links to the problem events,

https://omnicommons.org/calendar/events/hardware-hack-night-3-2018-02-20/ (https://omnicommons.org/calendar/events/hardware-hack-night-3-2018-02-20/)
https://omnicommons.org/calendar/events/sudo-room-weekly-party-2018-02-21/ (https://omnicommons.org/calendar/events/sudo-room-weekly-party-2018-02-21/)

- grant

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