[sudo-discuss] Sudoroom meeting soon?

Yardena Cohen yardenack at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 14:15:41 PDT 2019

Hey all,

It's been a while since we've had a real Sudoroom meeting. There are a
couple of pending Omni proposals & issues that need our attention:

* Almost 6 months ago, Helen proposed a process for Omni delegates to
resolve conflicts and remove members from working groups. We owe it to
her to finally make a clear decision on this.
* Omni's figurehead corporate entity needs 3 new officers (president,
secretary, treasurer) and we need more volunteers for these roles
* We need to figure out new rules for giving Omni keycards to people -
I proposed letting members vouch for non-members, which doesn't seem
fully workable, but the discussion must continue

We could meet this week 8/21, next week 8/28, or the week after 9/4. I
know more people will be in town 9/4 but the downside is that we have
a delegates meeting the very next day. If anybody has blocking
concerns for any of these proposals it would be rude to wait until 9/4
to voice them.


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