[sudo-discuss] a very racist encounter from a man named Rob

Autonomous autonomous666 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 18:25:02 PDT 2019


On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 4:35 PM Lesley Bell <zvezdalune at gmail.com> wrote:

> https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Safer_Space_Policy
> I'd like to drop in a friendly reminder that "Rather than call-outs, the
> Omni supports a culture of calling people in to a greater understanding of
> the intersecting systems of oppression that affect us all."
> @rayc, I firmly believe Robb was not being racist at all, even
> subconsciously. I have heard him say the exact same thing ("act like a
> normal human") to white people, and he has consistently and humbly
> expressed his openness to consider and reflect on his actions. Our
> collective failure here is that we haven't been 100% excellent allies
> against racism in that there are many reasons why poc would feel unsure of
> whether they are welcome in the space. It is also understandable that
> someone with past trauma from racism would be triggered by many aspects of
> how the omni operates.
> I'm seriously disappointed in the people who are quick to blame a single
> individual rather than take collective responsibility for a culture we all
> take part in creating. The default is for poc to feel unsure and afraid in
> new, majority white spaces, and we need to emphatically welcome them, each
> in the ways we are able. Maybe we can put in some permanent signage that
> will fix situations like this in the future by (1) letting visitors know
> that it is the protocol for everyone to identify themselves and the
> collective they are visiting and (2) affirm that poc, queer, trans, and
> otherwise underrepresented groups are emphatically welcome in the space and
> will be supported and listened to? (I've put up paper/cardboard signs on
> multiple occasions, but they disappear pretty quickly.)
> Also, let's take care of each other and try to keep the volunteers who do
> the most from burning out. Robb, I am so very grateful for all the labor,
> time, and care you put into the omni. Robb seems to consistently do a lot
> of jobs that no one else wants to do, like opening the door late at night.
> He's welcomed a lot of people to the space and helped a lot of
> underrepresented people gain resources to build their own technology
> instead of just consume it. His default mode is to be friendly, safe,
> compassionate, and affirming, and I hope he'll feel better soon and heal
> from whatever stress and burnout he might be feeling.
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 2:18 PM Robert Chu <robert.chu01 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> At Marina. I think this subject is taken way beyond context. You said in
>> your response that there's no reason at all. they're clearly was a reason
>> that agitated and made Robert upset to the level of hostility that he
>> showed against Deon. You're also stating that this is a racial issue
>> without anything racial having transpired.
>> Is there any proof that there was a pre-meditative racial agenda that
>> Robb had, rather by being annoyed with the ringing of the bell numerous
>> times. I I truly don't think it's fair just to say that a person who is
>> African American ring the door in this matter, it automatically is an issue
>> of racism.
>> I also feel that if I were the one who have been ringing the door
>> incessively that I would have gotten the same level of response that Robb
>> had delivered at the time as well.
>> and if we're talking about white people controlling the space not letting
>> people of color in... Let's discuss the couple of people I see of color who
>> are part of CCL and also Phat beats as well. Also discuss the numerous
>> black lives matters organizing events and other activists events that have
>> transpired at the Omni Commons with the assistance of Robb.
>> I've also known Robb for many years before the Omni, from Noisebridge,
>> and OccuppySF. I've also interacted with him and people of color on many
>> different occasions. And throughout my many years of knowing him I've never
>> encountered anyone considering him calling him or even thinking of him
>> being a racist.
>> I would also like to revisit what I stated earlier about how I feel that
>> this isn't an issue of race it's an issue of the person being really
>> annoyed about someone ring a doorbell multiple times.
>> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019, 1:50 PM Autonomous <autonomous666 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Deon,
>>> Please accept my sincerest apologies for being treated with disrespect
>>> at the Omni. Furthermore please accept my apologies for the unacceptable
>>> delay in receiving a response from members of Sudo Room or the Omni. There
>>> is simply no excuse for the way you were treated. The manner in which this
>>> unfortunate encounter was handled by the Omni and Sudo room needs to be
>>> seriously reviewed and measures need to be taken to prevent incidents from
>>> occurring again.
>>> Thank you for your service to the community and your generosity. I hope
>>> that you will return to the Omni sometime soon and be warmly welcomed.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Autonomous
>>> On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 4:31 PM D. Scott Nanos <scott.nanos at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Greetings Sudo et al, I'm so sorry but I have to bring to your
>>>> attention a recent, very unfortunate, inappropriate, and violent encounter
>>>> a friend of mine, Deon Saunders, had with a guy named "Rob", who I don't
>>>> think I know personally, although I'm sure he's well known around Omni in
>>>> general. I don't believe he's a sudo member specifically, but I believe
>>>> this incident sort of came into Sudo territory when Marc became involved; I
>>>> also really respect and love what Sudo room provides to the community, and
>>>> I know that Sudo is a powerful force within the Omni; as such, I'm writing
>>>> to you all now because I believe this issue definitely needs to be dealt
>>>> with, and not ignored or brushed aside.
>>>> Basically, Deon is friends with Phat Beets and Food First, and has been
>>>> frequenting the Omni in order to do work and access the community resources
>>>> that are available. To my understanding, he often works in the Sudo room
>>>> space. Although this should not need to be said, I can personally vouch for
>>>> Deon as an upstanding and generous member of the Oakland community.
>>>> Deon was having trouble accessing the space the other day and rung the
>>>> Omni doorbell several times, at which point guy named Rob opened the door
>>>> and started cursing at him and being very aggressive. After Deon was able
>>>> to enter Omni, Rob then started following him around and harassing him,
>>>> acting like a cop. Although this is egregious in and of itself, and a
>>>> terrible counter-representation of the Omni's values, this all came to a
>>>> head when Rob accused Deon of not being "an actual, normal, human being".
>>>> Whether or not this was intentional, it evoked longstanding racist
>>>> attitudes that black folks have been subjected to, suggesting that Deon was
>>>> less-than, or sub-human. Deon was so offended that he promptly left the
>>>> Omni and has not been back since.
>>>> Besides this very loaded and hateful comment, this general kind of
>>>> treatment and attitude, overall, is the EXACT opposite of the way black
>>>> folks should be treated when interfacing with the Omni. Rob's actions are
>>>> not okay, at all, and I strongly feel that a serious accountability process
>>>> should be implemented for this incident. This is not a small matter. I've
>>>> spoken with Deon, and he has agreed to participate.
>>>> I've also heard that this type of incident has happened before at the
>>>> Omni, specifically involving Rob. Correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently,
>>>> the attitude that was expressed to Deon was that Rob is one of the main
>>>> people that operates (i.e. helps to reproduce and sustain,) the Omni, and
>>>> as such, people basically go along with what he says and does. If this is
>>>> in fact the case, then an accountability process is even more imperative.
>>>> In no way should labor, and by proxy, "power" derived from labor, enable a
>>>> person to act with racism against members of the Oakland community. I think
>>>> it's in the best interest of the Omni to address this issue immediately,
>>>> for Deon, for the Omni, and for the Omni's relationship with the greater
>>>> community of Oakland.
>>>> I believe Marc was present for part of this incident as well, and
>>>> although I know, Marc is so busy doing vital work for Sudo and Omni, it
>>>> might behoove him to also participate in this process, as a witness.
>>>> I am writing this email not because I am trying to "cancel" or ruin
>>>> anyone, but because I care about Deon, The Omni, Sudo, and the Oakland
>>>> community at large. This issue seems indicative of larger problems, and if
>>>> addressed with love and respect and accountability, could seriously benefit
>>>> all parties listed above, and improve the Omni and it's relationship with
>>>> Oakland.
>>>> I'm not sure where to take it from here, as I am personally extremely
>>>> busy with other community-based activities in Oakland right now, but a
>>>> mediator/facilitator should be sought out, ideally a black person, but at
>>>> the very least, a non-black poc, and probably someone that isn't personally
>>>> involved in the day-to-day operations at Omni, sudo etc. If i am able, I
>>>> could possibly be this mediator, but I hope other options are sought out
>>>> first, because a.) I'm a non-black, mixed race poc, and b.) I have very
>>>> little capacity at the moment.
>>>> But please keep me in the loop regarding an accountability process for
>>>> Rob, and I'll do whatever I can to help move this along and reach a fair
>>>> and just conclusion.
>>>> Sorry to bring such difficult news to you all, but I could not stay
>>>> silent.
>>>> With love and Solidarity,
>>>> Scott
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