[sudo-discuss] A blockchain network to enforce policies for decentralized organizations

Louis Huang louis.huang at aegia.nu
Wed Nov 6 18:10:08 PST 2019

Hi sudoroom,

Everything going well on your ends? I haven't been able to keep up to 
date with the happenings of the collective.

Anyways, I'm writing because I recently stumbled upon on a blockchain 
system which allows for trust-less enforcement of decentralized 
organization policies. I found the project intriguing and wanted to run 
this past the community to see what people think about the structure.

Using a set of voting classes and judicial review classes written into 
contracts, the network they built provides transparent governance for 
the viewing and participation in important decision for open groups.

The blockchain network in question is called Aragon. Linked is the white 
paper for reference: https://github.com/aragon/whitepaper

Also written in JavaScript/Solidity, right up sudoroom's alley.

Let me know what you guys think.

- Louis

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