[sudo-discuss] sudo roooooooom update and meeting TONIGHT!

Marc Juul marc at juul.io
Wed Dec 1 15:10:33 PST 2021

Last night was the highest hacknight attendance since the beginning of the

People hacked on all sorts of things:

* Repaired the laser cutter with a new lens (thanks leeloo and arlo)
* Testing and calibration of new 3D printers
* Hacking an old streetlight to add a dimmer
* Building solar powered cellular network microcontrollers
* Working on new RFID door access control

We're meeting today at 6 pm virtually. On the agenda is:

* Restarting in-person Wednesday meetings
* Infrastructure upgrades
* Current finances
* Crowdfunding campaign

If you read this, please help out by pinging all sudoers you know to come
to our meeting!

Meeting is here: https://meet.jit.si/SudoRoomMeeting

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